Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 22 December 2020
The Impact of Packaging and Labeling Elements on the Rural Consumers’ Purchase Decision for Skincare Products in Bangladesh
Stanley Sumon Rodrick, Hamidul Islam, Ahmed Ishtiaq Zadid
American International University (Bangladesh), Marico Bangladesh Limited (Bangladesh)

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Pages: 1631-1644
Keywords: Copy Products, Packaging, Labeling, Rural Markets, Skincare Products, Trade Marketing
Differences in socio-economic conditions, demographics, and infrastructural variances in the rural markets create substantial variances in the consumption patterns compared with the urban markets. As per a report of the World Bank, about 63 percent of the population resides in Bangladesh’s rural areas as it constitutes a bigger market for the consumption of different products. The researchers envision identifying the impact of packaging and labeling elements in the decision-making evaluation for different skincare products. The research exploration comprises of four objectives, i.e., perception and attitude towards packaging and labeling elements for the rural consumers, measuring the relative impact based on the demographical changes, determining the sensitivity towards branding elements and communication portrayed, and the ability in identifying the original skincare products in comparison with the copy products in the rural markets. The researchers conducted surveys in the Mymensingh, Netrokona, Jamalpur, and Sherpur Districts of the greater Mymensingh Division of Bangladesh. A total of 390 responses were selected based on the non-probability sampling frame. The target sample age group was chosen between 13 to 54 years. Researchers developed a questionnaire in combination with close-ended questions along with simple dichotomies. For analyzing the outcomes, the researchers have applied a statistical method of the “Z-test” Technique. The researchers identified that the packaging and labeling of skincare products influence rural consumers’ behavior. Different promotional strategies and trade marketing activities are recommended based on the findings, reinforcing the rural consumers’ acceptance of skincare products.
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