Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 18 October 2022
The Factors Affecting Migration Behavior of Workers at Vietnam Garment Enterprise
Hoang Thanh Tung, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Hoang Quoc Hung
University of Labour and Social Affairs, George School

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Pages: 81-92
Keywords: Impact Factors, Migration, Job-Seeking, Workers, Garment Enterprises, Vietnam
This study is conducted to identify and evaluate the factors affecting the migration behavior of workers in garment enterprises in Vietnam. The subjects selected for the survey are workers who are working at many garment enterprises in some cities and provinces such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Bac Ninh, Nam Dinh, and Binh Phuoc... By conducting a survey to collect opinions from 312 employees and using SPSS statistical software to test the hypotheses; based on SEM linear structural model with 3 groups of factors affecting the intention to migrate to find job workers and consider the impact of the intention to migrate on the decision to migrate off the workers, the research results show that the factors "Behavior"; "Subjective norm" and "Perceived behavioral control" have a positive impact on the intention to migrate of garment workers with the impact level of +0,523; +0.73; +0.439; and the factor "Migration intention of garment workers" has a positive correlation to "Migration behavior of garment workers" with an impact level of +1.0, meaning the variation of intention to migration will lead to a corresponding change of migration behavior. From the testing, analysis, and evaluation of the factors affecting the migration intention and behavior of workers in Vietnamese garment enterprises, the research team has made some exchanges and discussions to attract more employees to the garment industry, contributing to promoting economic growth and creating sustainable jobs for workers.
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