Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)
Published: 08 October 2022
The Development of the Cracker MSME Cluster in Garut Regency, Indonesia
Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Abdullah Ramdhani, Eti Kusmiati, Diqy Fakhrun Shiddieq
Garut University, Indonesia
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Pages: 9-18
Keywords: Cluster Industry, Small-Medium Enterprises, Cluster Development, Entrepreneurial Competencies
Garut Regency is developing the UMKM cluster to support the Indonesian government's program to improve the UMKM industry. This study describes developing a cracker MSME cluster framework in Garut Regency. The qualitative method was carried out through an interview with the head of the cracker center community in Garut Regency. The data were then analyzed using a reduction technique which was then tested for validity through triangulation. The results showed that the infrastructure, the location of the cracker center, the lack of consumer convenience, the low capital financing, and the competitiveness of product marketing had a moderate level of competence, which indicated that the existing entrepreneurial competencies were quite good for their business. This research implies that it can be considered in developing the cracker UMKM cluster, making it the first cluster in Garut Regency.
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