Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 21 December 2024
Synergy of Creative Industries and Architectural Design: Business Sustainability Strategies in Bali, Indonesia
Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, Ni Kadek Suryani, Ngurah Gede Dwi Mahadipta
Udayana University (Indonesia), Institut Desain dan Bisnis Bali (Indonesia)

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Pages: 334-343
Keywords: Creative Industry Synergy, Architectural Design, Business Sustainability, Bali, Cultural Innovation
This study analyzes the synergy between the creative industry and architectural design in supporting business sustainability strategies in Bali. By integrating traditional Balinese architectural elements with innovative design approaches, this research highlights how local cultural identity can serve as a critical driver for economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the findings reveal that 75% of creative industry players in Bali leverage traditional design elements to strengthen product identity and enhance consumer appeal. The synergy has been proven to improve business sustainability by creating economic value, preserving cultural heritage, and reducing environmental impact. This research contributes to the local context and offers a replicable model for other regions seeking to integrate cultural heritage with modern business practices. By addressing challenges such as high initial investment costs and limited collaboration networks, the study provides actionable strategies for fostering cross-sector partnerships. The insights gained from Bali’s unique approach to sustainability have the potential to inspire global applications in cultural tourism and creative economy development.
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