Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 17 March 2021
Should Ghana Legalize the Commercial Use of Motor Bikes and Tricycles as Means of Public Transport? A Case Study of Five Selected Regions in Ghana
John Kwane Adu Jack, Emmanuel K. S. Amoah, Eric Hope, Frimpong Okyere
KAAF University College, Ghana

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Pages: 214-239
Keywords: Okada, Pragia, Keke, Motor King, Motor Kia, Motorcycles, Bikes, Tricycle
In the wave of raging debate, even on the floor of parliament, as to whether it would be expedient to commercialize Bikes’ usage in Ghana, it is important to look at its benefits or otherwise. Hence, the study sought to show whether Ghana should legalize the commercial use of motor cycles and tricycles operations. The design was a descriptive study which used quantitative tool to show public acceptance or rejection of commercializing the use of motorcycles and tricycles in Ghana. The study was based on the use of questionnaires for the data collection and were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The sample population considered was Five (5) Regions in Ghana which are Central, Greater Accra, Bono, Bono East and Northern Regions. Questionnaires of 460 were drawn for the study. It was found out, among others, that many of the riders do not possess licenses; riders are aware of robbery incidents perpetuated by their colleagues; police harassments and passenger pressure are strong reasons for not observing traffic regulations; unfavorable road architecture; the activity is a good source of income. It was therefore recommended that, the okada/pragia/keke/motor king/motor kia operations should be legalized for commercial use with regulations and strict compliance by actors or operators.
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