Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 18 January 2022
Methodology Framework to Assess Regional Development Plans: A European Perspective Approach
Dimitrios J. Dimitriou, Maria F. Sartzetaki, Smaro Dadinidou
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

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Pages: 1-12
Keywords: Regional Development, Economic Growth, EU Funding Programs, Funding Programs Absorption
This paper reviews the European Funding Programs impact on regional and economic development. The case study focuses on “Eastern Macedonia & Thrace” (EMTH) Region, a region in the nation of Greece. EMTH Region boasts a number of comparative advantages related to its strategic location, bordering Bulgaria on the North and Turkey on the East. In addition, EMTH Region is one of the regions in Greece with the lowest GDP per capita. Moreover, is a region of great importance with great existing transport infrastructure, widespread network of industrial areas, academic-R&D infrastructure & dynamics and many opportunities in the renewable energy sources. The purpose of the paper is the evaluation of the European Union Funding programs, highlighting and supporting the main target of these funding programs to force and enable a sustainable social and economic growth to the poorest European neighborhoods in order to achieve the average European Union prosperity. The framework analysis of the paper is based on an ex-post evaluation framework of the Regional Operational Programs that Greece and the “EMTH Region, have participated since Greece's entry into the European Union. The case study focused on some large European Support Regional Programs as the Mediterranean Integrated Programs (IMPs, 1986-1993), the 1st Community Support Framework (CSF I) (1989-1993), the 2nd Community Support Framework (CSF II) (1994-1999), the 3rd Community Support Framework (CSF) (2000 -2006) as well as the National Strategic Reference Frameworks (NSRF) (2007-2013) and (2014-2020). Valuable conclusions were derived, mainly regarding the absorption of the programs in the EMTH Region and regional and economic development of the case study region features during this period.
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