Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 11 June 2021
Impacts of Capital Structure and Dividend Policy on the Financial Performance of Listed Companies on Vietnamese Stocks Market
Loan T. Vu, Anh T. H. Vu, Thao T. P. Nguyen
Vietnam National University (Vietnam), Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (Vietnam), Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (Vietnam)

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Pages: 209-217
Keywords: Leverage, Dividend Yield, ROA, ROE, P/E, Financial Performance
This study is taken to describe the relationship between the levels of debt, dividend policy and the performance of firms listed in Vietnamese stock market. The dividend policy is proxied by the dividend yield while firm’s performance is measured by ROE, ROA, and P/E. The total number of observations is 552, collecting from 92 listed companies on Hochiminh Stock Exchange during 2012 and 2019. The analysis results from generalized least squares (GLS) models report that the choice of firm’s performance proxy affects the relationship between firm’s performance and leverage as well as dividend policy. While leverage has positive impact on ROE and ROA, it has negative impact on P/E. In contrast, dividend yield ratio is negatively correlated with ROA and P/E but positively correlated with ROE. However, the impact of debt levels on firm’s performance is independent with the choice of leverage proxy. The findings of this research are expected to provide better understanding about the connection between debt, dividend and performance of the firm that can support the managers to make relevant decisions.
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