Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 30 March 2020
Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Satisfaction: A Case of Hilton Hotel, United Kingdom
Christine Reidhead
Navajo Technical University, USA

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Pages: 432-437
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Employee Satisfaction, Hilton Hotel
Purpose: This paper has focused on examining the impact of organizational culture on employee satisfaction in Hotel Hilton, United Kingdom. Design: The paper is written on the basis of secondary data. The research study is conducted on the basis of qualitative research method and data is collected through critical review of literature from secondary sources. The secondary data is collected from scholarly articles and books. Findings: From the findings, it is revealed that there is a significant impact of organizational culture on employee satisfaction. When, the management of an organization focuses highly on providing supportive organizational culture, then, it helps in enhancing the satisfaction level of employees. The satisfied employees in an organization serve as a competitive advantage. Research Limitations: Due to lack of enough time and resources, the paper is written on the basis of one case study, so, this might decrease the generalizability of research findings. Moreover, future studies can be conducted for examining the importance of organizational culture for other important factors of the firm. Practical Implications: The findings of this research paper proves to be much beneficial for managers of organizations, as they can get to know that how satisfaction level of employees can be enhanced through focusing on organizational culture. Originality: Previously, there was no study conducted for exploring the importance of organizational culture for enhancing employee satisfaction, and how it could be directly linked to the competitive advantage of the firm. So, this study has been carried out to investigate the impact of organizational culture on employee satisfaction, in the case of Hilton Hotel UK.
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