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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Economics and Business

Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
open access

Published: 25 July 2022

Impact of Imports and Interest Rates on Inflation: A Case Study in ASEAN Countries 2006-2019

Mirna Herawati, Sumaryoto, Machfud Sidik

Universitas Borobudur Jakarta, Indonesia

asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, management journal

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Pages: 66-74

Keywords: Imports, Interest Rates, Inflation


Abstract: This research is a descriptive and explanative research on the effect of imports and interest rates on inflation. This study tries to understand the factors that influence inflation in ASEAN countries for the 2006-2019 period. The results show that: 1) Imports have a significant effect on inflation, this is evidenced by sig 0.0001 <0.05. 2) Interest rates have a significant effect on inflation, this is evidenced by sig 0.0001<0.05 and Fcount of 15.43226 with a determinant coefficient (R2) of 0.573003. This means that 57.3% of the impact is determined as the contribution of the independent variables (imports and interest rates) jointly to the dependent variable (inflation). While the rest (42.7%) is the influence of external variables not examined in this study.


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