Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 26 September 2023
Factors Influence Organic Food Purchase Intention of Vietnamese Consumers
Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Truong Tri Tai
University of Labour and Social Affairs, Le Hong Phong High School for The Gifted

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Pages: 196-211
Keywords: Factors Influencing, Purchase Intention, Organic Food, Vietnamese Consumers
The research focuses on examining factors influencing the organic food purchase intention of Vietnamese consumers. The organic food market has been developing steadily and growing in popularity, but the factors affecting organic food purchase intention are not well-studied. A conceptual model of factors was created based on evaluating other conceptual models from global research. The conceptual model includes 8 independent variables: Health consciousness (HC), Environmental concern (EC), Personal attitude (PA); Subjective norms (SN); Perceived behavior control (PBC); Food price (FP); Food availability (FA); Transparent information (TI) which affect the dependent variable “Organic food purchase intention” (OFPI). A survey was conducted and received responses from 528 Vietnamese consumers; the data collected was analyzed by SMARTPLS to examine the factors and determine the impact of each factor. The results depict that factors affecting organic food purchases include Perceived behavior control (PBC); Transparent information (TI); Subjective norms (SN); and Food availability (FA) with a decreasing level of influence. The other factors such as Food price (FP); Environmental concern (EC); Health consciousness (HC), and Personal attitude (PA) don’t possess enough statistical significance to conclude. With the results, exchanges and discussions to enhance the organic food market are drawn.
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