Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 19 October 2020
Exploring the Impact of User Personality and Self-Disclosure on the Continuous Use of Social Media
Yu-Ping Lee, Hsin-yeh Tsai, Jheng-Sian Wu
Shu-Te University (Taiwan), National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

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Pages: 1324-1343
Keywords: Social Media, Big Five Personality Traits, Self-Disclosure, Continuance Intention
In the beginning, telecommunications started from telegraph and television, and then entered the Internet era, As the Internet evolves to Web 2.0, online communities are emerging where users can communicate with each other, start socializing online by interacting with others through video sharing sites, blogs, Facebook and more. Smartphones, PCs allow users to communicate via social media with anyone from anywhere in the world who is close to them, get more followers, shares, likes, interactions and love counts, users get the social aspect of needs and identity, Users with a large number of fans can engage in mutually beneficial behavior with manufacturers and social media platforms, For example, more Openness to Experience people create through applications such as retouching and video editing, or if a more extroverted person uses more interactive applications such as video recording or live streaming applications, To attract more people to join the platform for exchange. Social media is now used by nearly half of the world's population, and the number of users is growing, and most people have smartphones, Social media has become part of people's daily lives, common social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc. The different personality traits of the users, observing the Persistence of Different Personality Traits in Social Media through Self-Disclosure, find social media to retain and attract more people to operate and use social platforms. 464 valid samples were collected for this study, Analysis using SmartPLS 3, Learn that Extraversion, Openness to Experience and Neuroticism are positively significant for Self-Disclosure, analyzing personality traits after Self-Disclosure, continued use is intended to have a positive and significant impact, Users Increase Continuity of Social Media Use from Self-Disclosure, give reference to future research directions.
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