Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 05 December 2024
Development of Domestic Talents in Indonesia's Chinese Manufacturing Industry
Yang Jie, Nur Budi Mulyono
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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Pages: 200-214
Keywords: Talent Management, Cross-Cultural Integration, Quantitative Performance Indicators, Employee Engagement, Training Programs, Organizational Growth
The economic partnership between Indonesia and China has expanded significantly, driven by increasing investments and initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). However, Chinese companies operating in Indonesia, such as PT XYZ Indonesia, face persistent challenges in managing domestic talent. These challenges include cultural and cognitive differences, lack of quantitative performance indicators, high dependency on external recruitment, and ineffective training programs. This study aims to identify effective strategies for enhancing talent management and fostering cross-cultural integration to support sustainable organizational growth. A mixed-methods approach was employed, integrating qualitative insights from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with quantitative data from employee surveys. The thematic analysis revealed critical issues, including communication barriers, resistance to change, and inconsistent performance management systems, while descriptive analysis highlighted gaps in training satisfaction and career development. Key findings emphasized the need for cross-cultural training programs, competency-based training, and quantitative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to address competency gaps and foster employee engagement. The study concludes that PT XYZ Indonesia must adopt a comprehensive talent management strategy focusing on cross-cultural integration, data-driven performance management, and internal talent development. The company can improve collaboration, productivity, and employee retention by addressing these challenges, ensuring long-term organizational success and competitiveness in the Indonesian market.
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