Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 26 October 2020
Assessing the Negative Determinants on the Usage Intention of Social Media
Hsin-yeh Tsai, Yu-Ping Lee, Wen-Bin Tsai
Shu-Te University (Taiwan), Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

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Pages: 1357-1371
Keywords: Social Media, Negative Factors, Social Fatigue, Partial Least Squares
Since the development of the Internet jumped quickly, the user can perform a variety of social media information and communicate via computers, mobile phones and other smart devices. Social media can be presented in many different forms, including text, images, music and videos. Under the high popularity of social media usage, users will share information on community self-media platforms, including personal ideas, feelings and experiences. However, social media is one of the sides of a virtual network that allows users to bring convenient, instant, etc. But they also bring negative factors can’t be predicted for users, such as: lack of privacy controls, social media into hidden problems. Due to these reasons, users can cause by long-term excessive use of social media, and make themselves feel fatigue social of psychology. The study investigates whether the negative factors will affect users of social media for social impact of fatigue, use Google questionnaires to collect samples of the web results. To sum up, the conclusion of the study showed that most of the negative factors of social media are social media users will feel social fatigue.
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