Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 03 May 2023
Importance of Freshwater Biology
Mohammad Haidar Mosavi
Bamyan University, Afghanistan

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Pages: 42-49
Keywords: Biology, Climate Change, Endangered Species, Extinction, Fresh Water
Freshwaters have suffered significantly from overfishing, the introduction of foreign species, pollution, flow management, and water extraction as a result of human activity. Many freshwater species' ranges and populations have drastically decreased as a result of these conditions, making them much more susceptible. Freshwater ecologists have been conducting in-depth research on a variety of topics recently, including the status, trends, ecology, and reproduction of endangered species, threats to these species, and the effects of biodiversity loss on ecosystem function, metapopulation dynamics, biodiversity hotspots, and design. The reserve has addressed legal flaws, stakeholder dialogue, and habitat restoration. However, present efforts might not be sufficient to halt the current deluge and imminent extinction of freshwater. We briefly go over four major obstacles to saving freshwater. First, both freshwater species and human usage of freshwater are threatened by climate change. Before natural disasters occur, we must support the thoughtful and sensible planning of technical responses to climate change. We must anticipate ecological and human responses to climate change. Second, since the extinction of freshwater species is already well advanced, freshwater conservationists must now be ready to stop further losses, even if our understanding is still lacking, and to collaborate more successfully with other stakeholders. Third, there is a gap between freshwater ecology and conservation biology that needs to be filled.
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