Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 07 March 2022
What Can I Do To Overcome My EFL Students’ Speaking Challenges?
Esra Yazıcı, Bünyamin Bavlı
Istanbul Ayvansaray University (Turkey), Yildiz Technical University (Turkey)

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Pages: 311-319
Keywords: EFL Students, English Preparatory Year, Speaking Skill Problems
This study aims to overcome the speaking challenges of the students in an English preparatory class of 2020-2021 spring semester at a private university in Istanbul. Qualitative classroom action research design was operated to conduct the study. In the beginning weeks of spring semester, speaking skills challenge among the students was detected and observed. Accordingly an action plan was developed by using Ur (2009)’s advices. Developed action plan was implemented for 8 weeks. The study included 4 female and 2 male students as participants. Participants were chosen by homogenous sampling method that is one of the purposive sampling methods. To collect data, active participant observer technique and e-mail interview technique were employed. Data were analyzed by content analysis technique. As a result, 2 themes called affective improvements and practical improvements and in each theme 3 sub-themes were discovered. Sub-themes are reduced anxiety, increased motivation, improved self-efficacy, increased participation level, gradual ease in speaking, and examination. To conclude, the study shows that students benefited from the action plan which was prepared mostly by Ur (2009)’s advices.
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