Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 July 2021
Using Quality Teaching and Learning Resources for Effective Integrated Science Education among Senior High Schools in Ghana
Rita Asano, Kwaku Darko Amponsah, Obed Baah-Yanney, Frederick Quarcoo, Delphine Abla Azumah
Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College of Education (Ghana), University of Ghana (Ghana), OLA College of Education (Ghana)

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Pages: 51-63
Keywords: Integrated Science, Instructional Resources, Methods of Teaching, Senior High School, Teaching and Learning
The study examined the use of quality teaching and learning resources and how these affect the teaching and learning of Integrated Science. A total of 172 randomly selected second year Senior High School (SHS) students and 25 Integrated Science teachers purposively sampled served as the subjects for the study within six districts in the Central Region of Ghana. Questionnaires were used to collect the students’ and teachers' needed data. This study's key findings revealed a lack of teaching and learning materials and the stereotyped nature of Integrated Science teachers' methods of teaching. It was noted that access, selection and usage of good and quality teaching and learning materials and methods influenced learning outcomes of students in SHS Integrated Science. However, it was observed that both government and private school teachers used similar teaching methods in delivering the Integrated Science content. It was concluded that for successful teaching and learning of Integrated Science, the challenges should be addressed by SHS education stakeholders. As a result, the paper recommended possible solutions that would ameliorate the challenges hindering the teaching and learning of Integrated Science.
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