Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 09 May 2023
Using an Animation Movie to Develop Ability of Stress in English of Primary School Students
Rattaneekorn Nakplad, Vikrom Chantarangkul, Kanyakorn Sermsook, Praepan Eiadkaew
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand

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Pages: 118-123
Keywords: Animation Movie, Pronunciation, Stress, Students
The study employed an animation movie to develop the ability of stress in English of EFL students. The participants of the study were 30 Grade 5 students in a primary school in Thailand. The research instruments comprised the animation movie titled “Frozen,” syllable stress exercises, and an oral test which acted as a pre and posttest. The garnered data were examined and expressed as means, standard deviations and t-test. The interview information was analyzed through content analysis. At the 0.01 statistical significance level, the results of this study demonstrated that the syllable stress posttest score (M=16.30, S.D.=8.77) was significantly higher than the pretest score (M=14.33, S.D.=7.26). This signifies that students could pronounce words more accurately. Furthermore, the interview results suggested that the animation movie could create much more relaxing mood in the classroom, which remarkably contributed to language learning. All in all, it indicated that the animation movie was able to effectively develop the ability of stress in English in a pleasant classroom.
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