Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 22 February 2023
Use of Informal Learning Environments in Turkish Language Teaching
Rasit Koc
The University of Van Yüzüncü Yıl, Turkey

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Pages: 429-435
Keywords: Turkish Teaching, Informal Learning, Mother Tongue, Basic Language Skills
Teaching is divided into two as formal and informal teaching. Formal education is based on the teaching of planned, programmed and predetermined contents. This type of education, training usually take place in educational institutions, which are called schools. In this respect, formal education is divided into primary, secondary, high school and higher education. Apart from the formal education carried out in planned, programmed environments, there are also informal learning and informal education environments that we can consider as lifelong learning. Outside of school, spontaneous learning without any plan, program, realization is defined as informal learning. Informal learning can take place in almost any environment. This type of learning is one whose place and time are not defined. Learning in informal settings is an important stage in the acquisition of mother tongue. A newly born baby learns to speak the language spoken in the family environment into which he was born. When he starts talking, his family and inner circle are his learning and growing environment. Until the school age, this environment shapes it in terms of language acquisition as well as in every field. Thus, the individual performs language acquisition as used in his immediate environment. Informal learning until the school age takes place in a formal way with the school. Our study is important in terms of showing how informal learning environments can be used to carry out an effective Turkish teaching. The method of the research is literature review. At the end of the study, visual and audio tools such as radio, television, cinema, social media; places such as schools, libraries, houses; It has been concluded that activities such as conferences, theater, poetry recitals and discussions are informal environments that can be used in Turkish teaching.
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