Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 18 March 2023
Translation Equivalence of Hyperbolic Expression used in iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone SE 2022 Official Webpages
Qotrunnada Sabila, Jumanto Jumanto, Rahmanti Asmarani
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Indonesia)

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Pages: 515-528
Keywords: Hyperbole, Hyperbolic Expression, Translation, Iphone Official Webpage, Translation Equivalence
This study aims to recognize the translation equivalence through the translation methods of hyperbolic expressions used in iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone SE 2022 official webpages. The data used in this study is the hyperbolic expressions gained from the official webpages of iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone SE 2022. The research stages applied in this study are analyzing the data based on the qualitative method, adjusting the data with the categories of translation method, determining the categorization of the translation equivalence, organizing an explanation for each finding, and the final step is interpreting and concluding the analysis result. The finding results of hyperbolic expressions used in iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone SE 2022 official webpages are single-word hyperbole, phrasal hyperbole, clausal hyperbole, numerical hyperbole, superlative hyperbole, comparison hyperbole, and repetition hyperbole. Translation methods applied in iPhone 14 iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone SE 2022 official webpages are word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation translation, free translation, idiomatic translation, and communicative translation. Translation equivalence strategy used in iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone SE 2022 is foreignization. The translator deliberately carries the culture of the source language into the target language to introduce the foreign product to the local society through the description on the webpages.
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