Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 17 March 2022
The Water Awareness Via Drama: An Experimental Study on Pre-Service Science Teachers and Their Views
Harun Bertiz
Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Turkey

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Pages: 462-475
Keywords: Drama, Creating Water Awareness, Drama in Education, Pre-Service Science Teacher
The aim of this research is to determine the effect and usability of drama in creating water awareness. The research was carried out with pre-service teachers who are studying in the Science Education Department of a state university in Turkey and who want to participate in the research voluntarily. A total of 17 pre-service science teachers (PSTs), 14 female and 3 male, took part in the research. In the research, a written interview form (WIF) consisting of 3 questions was used to determine the opinions of the PSTs about the usability of drama in raising water awareness. Applications in the study covered 12 weeks. In the applications, a drama application was made for each week about water. After the applications, the qualitative data obtained in the research were evaluated and interpreted. Descriptive and content analysis techniques were used in the analysis of qualitative data. The results of the research show that drama can be an effective method in creating water awareness. As a matter of fact, the opinions of PSTs are in this direction and point out that the usability of drama in creating water awareness is high. In the light of the findings obtained at the end of the research, the results were discussed and some suggestions were given.
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