Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 05 July 2021
The Views of International University Students About Online Education
Ismail Karakus, Sena Karakus
Mersin University, Turkey

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Pages: 1-13
Keywords: International University Student, Online Education, Focus Group Interview
Currently, international university students are working hard to cope with many problems in socio-cultural, psychological and economic terms. Particularly after Covid-19 epidemic experienced by the whole world in early 2020, they have started to face greater problems. Therefore, in this study, the aim is to examine the opinions of international university students taking Turkish online lessons about course practices and learning-teaching processes. Qualitative research design was used in this study, and the data were collected through focus group interviews. Participants of the study consist of 18 international university students enrolled in a state university in the academic year of 2020-2021 and receiving Turkish language education at B2 level. While some of the international university students expressed positive opinions regarding the economical and comfortable online education process, some of them expressed negative opinions; namely the lack of communication, the difficulties experienced in online exams and the language learning process and the inefficiency of education. Most of the students stated that the online education process has both positive and negative aspects. As the advantages of this educational process, students pointed out facilitating academic processes easily, managing time, being healthy and saving money. On the other hand, it was highlighted that there are technical, personal, educational, health and language difficulties in the online education process. As solution suggestions for these difficulties, the participants made suggestions on eliminating the problems in technical and physical conditions, including more motivational activities and improving the educational process.
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