Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 03 June 2022
The Role of Social Activities in Educational Institutions in the Socialization Process
Serkan Hacicaferoglu
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

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Page: 425-432
Keywords: Folk Dances, Secondary Education, Student, Socialization, Sports.
In this research, we aimed to examine the social cohesion that folk dances activities have on secondary school students in terms of some variables. The sample of the research which was conducted using general screening model consists of 156 volunteer students who study at randomly selected secondary schools. The scale of social cohesion in sports was used as the data collection tool in the research. As a result of the research, based on the answers given by the secondary school students in the sample to the scale, it was determined that the general arithmetic average of the social skill level obtained by their participation in folk dances was statistically high. In the research, it was also determined that among the students who participated in the folk dance activities in the survey, female students, twelfth grade students, students who participated in folk dance activities for the eighth to eleventh times outside the standard training sessions, and students whose families' level of income was lower than the other students perceived social unity in a higher level than the rest of the students in the sample. Moreover, it was concluded that there was no statistically significant difference between gender, class, and the repetition variables of the folk dance activities outside the standard training sessions with the social cohesion-providing behavior changes, however, there was a significant difference between the income level variables.
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