Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 29 September 2022
The Place of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Turkish Education System According to Social Studies Teachers
Hasan Bozkaya
Hatay Provincial Directorate of National Education, Turkey

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Pages: 497-508
Keywords: Civil Community Organization, Social Studies, Non-Governmental Organizations Educational Relationship, Teacher Opinion
In this research, the place of non-governmental organizations in the Turkish education system was tried to be determined according to the opinions of social studies teachers. Phenomenology design was used from qualitative research methods. The study group of the study consists of 37 social studies teachers selected from schools in Hatay city center through purposeful sampling. Four open-ended questions prepared to collect data were asked to social studies teachers for their opinions. In the analysis of the obtained data, the content analysis method used in qualitative analysis researches was applied and themes were created by grouping according to the similarity of the expressions. The teacher's views that stand out in each theme are reflected in direct quotes. According to the results obtained from the opinions of social studies teachers at the end of the research; It was concluded that non-governmental organizations are necessary but not sufficiently supported by the society, and that non-governmental organizations are not sufficiently involved in education policies and practices, that they remain insensitive in solving the problems related to education and that they cannot express these problems sufficiently.
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