Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 22 March 2023
The Investigation of Turkish Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes to Digital Reading and Time of Printed and Digital Reading
Selvi Demir
Kilis 7 Aralık Universtiy, Turkey

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Pages: 537-554
Keywords: Printed Reading, Digital Reading, Attitude, Turkish Teacher Candidates
In this study, the printed and digital reading times of Turkish teacher candidates, their digital reading characteristics, their digital reading preferences and their attitudes towards digital reading were revealed. In this study, print and digital reading times and attitudes towards digital reading were examined in terms of various variables (gender, grade level, reading preference, digital book reading status, digital text reading status without internet, digital library status, book reading habit and digital reading level). In the research, relational and single survey models, which are among the general survey models of quantitative research methods, were used together. The study group of the research consisted of 173 Turkish teacher candidates studying in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. As a result of the research, there is a positive difference between the daily printed resource reading time and the digital resource reading time of the Turkish teacher candidates; On the other hand, it was detected that there was a negative and low-level significant relationship between their attitudes towards digital reading. Besides, it was detected that there was a moderate positive relationship between the duration of digital resource reading and their attitudes towards digital reading and digital reading characteristics. In addition, it was detected that the daily printed resource reading time of Turkish teacher candidates differs according to their reading habits. However, it has been detected that daily digital resource reading time differs according to reading preferences, digital book reading, digital library status, reading habits and digital book reading levels. It was detected that the attitudes of teacher candidates towards digital reading differ according to their grade level, reading preference, digital book reading status, digital text reading status without internet, digital library status and digital reading levels.
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