Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 29 October 2023
The Influence of Teachers’ Wages on Student Performance in Mathematics and Reading at Urban and Rural Primary Schools in Burkina Faso
Sayouba Ouedraogo
University Thomas SANKARA, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

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Pages: 39-67
Keywords: Achievement, Inequalities, Rural, Scores, Urban, Wages
This paper aims to analyze the influence of public teachers’ wages on student test scores in mathematics and reading. A linear model was estimated using endogenous variables on data from the 2014 Programme for the Analysis of Educational Systems survey in Burkina Faso. Teachers’ wages have differentiated, mixed, and heterogeneous influences on student performance in urban areas and negative influences in rural. Good academic performance requires accounting for geographical aspects when setting teachers’ wages. This study will determine the effects of teachers’ non-wages earning activities combined with other factors on academic performance.
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