Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
The Impact of the Cognitive Conflict Approach on the Elimination of the Misconception in Square Root Numbers
Hasan Güveli, Adnan Baki, Ebru Güveli
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University (Turkey), Trabzon University (Turkey)

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Pages: 39-52
Keywords: Square Root Numbers, Misconceptions, Three Tiered Test, Cognitive Conflict Approach, Secondary School Mathematics
This study aims to determine the effect of the cognitive conflict approach on the elimination of misconceptions in square root numbers. For this purpose, this study was conducted with 8th-grade students of a secondary school in a region of Turkey. A three tiered diagnostic test was used to determine the impact of the 5-step cognitive conflict approach in the study. This test was used as a pre-test before applications and the same test was used as a post-test after applications in the same class. The test results of the students were divided into 4 groups called "misconception", "lack of knowledge", "lack of confidence", "scientific knowledge", and these groups were also divided into categories (A, B, ...). 5-step cognitive conflict approach made some transformations between categories. The greatest transformation was the transformation of misconceptions into scientific knowledge. However, it was seen that some misconceptions (B category) continued after the applications. In light of these findings, it is suggested that teachers pay attention to the mathematical language and mathematical representations they use during instruction. Moreover, the topic of root numbers should definitely be explained using the Pythagorean Theorem, and the guidebooks should be revised accordingly.
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