Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 20 May 2022
The Effect of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of School Administrators on Sustainable Leadership Characterictics
Tuba Yavas
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey

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Pages: 306-320
Keywords: School Administrator, Self-Efficacy, Sustainable Leadership, Teacher
In today's world, where material and spiritual resources are consumed much faster, different leadership roles of school administrators come to the fore in the success and effectiveness of schools. One of these leadership roles is sustainable leadership characteristics. In this research, the effect of school administrators' self-efficacy beliefs on sustainable leadership characteristics was examined. 615 school administrators (238, 38.7% principal, 377 61.3% vice principal) and 883 teachers who work in state primary, secondary and high schools in Turkey participated in the research voluntarily. In the research, a self-efficacy scale was applied to school administrators so that it could be possible to determine the self-efficacy beliefs of school administrators. The sustainable leadership characteristics of the school administrators were tried to be determined by asking the teachers working in the same school about the sustainable leadership characteristics of the school administrators. According to the research findings, it was determined that there is a statistically significant relationship between school administrators' self-efficacy beliefs and sustainable leadership characteristics. This significant relationship has led to the conclusion that the self-efficacy belief of school administrators can be considered as a predictive variable (20%) of sustainable leadership characteristics. Suggestions were made to strengthen the sustainable leadership characteristics of school administrators and to work with different variables.
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