Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 February 2023
The Effect of Motivation to Participate in Sports on Happiness Level in University Students
Tuncay Öktem, Yunus Emre Çingöz
Bayburt University (Turkey)

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Pages: 388-394
Keywords: Happiness, Participation Motivation, Sports
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of individuals' motivation to participate in sports on their happiness level. This study is a descriptive survey study on the impact of Bayburt University students' attitudes about sports on their levels of happiness. This study is a descriptive survey study on the impact of Bayburt University sports sciences faculty students' participation motivation to sports on their levels of happiness. The population of this study, which examined the effect of motivation to participate in sports on happiness level, consisted of students studying at Bayburt University. The sample consisted of a total of 357 people, 129 of whom were female and 228 of whom were male, studying in different departments of the sports sciences faculty of the same university. "Personal Information Form", " Participation Motivation Questionnaire " and "Oxford Happiness Questionnaire-Short Form" were used as data collection tools. SPSS 25 package program was used for statistical analysis. Normality test, spearman correlation and simple linear regression analysis were used in the analysis of the data. When the effect of the participants' motivation to participate in sports on their happiness levels is investigated, it is seen that motivation to participate in sports has a significant effect on the happiness levels of university students. In conclusion, considering the findings obtained from the research, it is seen that there was a relationship between motivation to participate in sports and happiness in the study, and that motivation to participate in sports had an effect on the happiness levels of individuals.
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