Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 07 March 2022
The Analysis of Reading Motivation of High School Students Based on Certain Variables
Vafa Savaşkan
Artvin Çoruh University

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Pages: 343-352
Keywords: Reading, Reading Education, Reading Motivation
Reading habit, the ability to sustain the reading activity, is required for quality reading. Those who tend to read need to be motivated one way or another. Reading motivation is closely associated with the reading goals and trends of the individuals, and the time they devote to reading. The present study aims to determine the reading motivation of high school students based on certain variables. Thus, the reading motivation levels of the high school students, and the differences between their motivation levels based on gender, grade level, school type, socioeconomic level, education level and occupation of the parents, newspaper and magazine subscription, internet access, and the reasons for not reading variables are determined. The study was conducted with 1070 students attending nine high schools in Sinop province in Turkey and screening method during the 2019-2020 academic year. The study findings demonstrated that there were significant differences between reading motivation levels of the high school students based on gender, school type, newspaper and magazine subscription, internet access and the reason for not reading variables, while no significant differences were determined based on the grade level, socioeconomic status, education level, and the occupation of the parents.
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