Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 June 2022
The Acquisition Level of 21st Century Skills in the Primary Education 4th Grade Social Studies Curriculum
Halil Taş, Muhammet Baki Minaz
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Siirt University (Turkey)

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Pages: 600-611
Keywords: Social Studies Course, Social Studies Education, Curriculum, 21st-Century Skills
Depending on classroom teachers’ views, this study determined the acquisition level of the 21st-century skills in the primary education 4th-grade social studies curriculum. Designed in an explanatory mixed-method model, it used the interpretative phenomenological method for the qualitative data and the scanning method for the quantitative data. The sample consisted of 86 classroom teachers (42 female and 44 male) selected using the cluster sampling method, one of the probabilistic sampling methods. The quantitative data were collected using a 5-point Likert-type scale and analyzed using frequency (f) and percentage (%). The qualitative data were collected using a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher and analyzed using the content analysis method. The result revealed that the primary education 4th-grade social studies curriculum was insufficient and impractical to convey 21st-century skills. However, it was better in gaining the skills of "collaboration," "using technology for learning," and "communication." It was determined to be insufficient in gaining the skills of "self-management/self-regulation" and making "global connections" and "local connections."
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