Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 May 2022
Socio-Cultural Adaptation of International Students in Vietnam
Minh Ngoc Do, Thi Thuy Linh Ngo, Thu Huong Phan
Hanoi University, Vietnam

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Pages: 397-406
Keywords: Higher Education, Internationalization, Socio-Cultural Adaptation, University Renovation
The paper is the first to examine international students in Vietnam despite the country's long-existing effort at internationalization. The empirical study is conducted at a large public university in the capital of Vietnam, a popular destination for foreign students. The study explores socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students and finds that lack of support system severely affects their adaptation, especially in academic adaptation. The paper aims to draw attention to the renovation of university system in order to better serve the needs of a diverse student body.
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