Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 20 May 2022
School Administrators' Behaviors in the Professional Belonging of Teachers
Mehmet Özdoğru
Kütahya Dumlupınar University, Turkey

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Pages: 321-336
Keywords: Professional Belonging, Teacher, School Administrator, School Principal, Belonging
In this study, it is aimed to examine the behavior of school administrators in the context of teachers' professional belonging. The research was designed in the phenomenology pattern in the qualitative research method. In the study, 25 teachers working in the province of Eskişehir formed the study group. A semi-structured interview form was used to examine the behavior of school administrators in the context of teachers' professional belonging. In the collection of data, face-to-face interviews were conducted with the participants, and the analysis of the data was carried out in accordance with the content analysis method. According to the findings, teachers' views on the behaviors of school administrators, which increase teachers' professional belonging, are gathered under four themes: administrative behaviors, effective communication, behaviors based on personality traits and behaviors towards meeting social needs. The behaviors of school administrators, which reduce the professional belonging of teachers, are grouped under three themes: managerial behaviors, negative communication and behaviors based on personality traits. When the research findings are evaluated in general; It is seen that the behaviors of school administrators have an important place in the professional belonging of teachers. The fact that the teaching profession is a profession that requires great dedication reveals the importance of the concept of professional belonging, which is one of the important factors affecting the organizational behavior of the individual.
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