Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 14 May 2022
Psychological Issues on Family Caregivers of Stroke Patients in Brunei Darussalam: In the Era of Pandemic Covid-19
Salwa Mahalle, Nordiyana Yahya, Fifi Faulina Zailani
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam

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Pages: 299-305
Keywords: Caretaker, Stroke Patients, Psychological Issues
Family caregivers play an important role in providing main support for family members with a disability in order for them to function normally in their everyday life. The main goal of this research study is to promote psychological health awareness of stroke family caregivers in Brunei Darussalam, especially during the pandemic of Covid-19. This study concentrated particularly on long-term family caregivers who provide care to stroke family members who were severely affected by the disease that caused them to heavily depended on their family caretakers. This qualitative research involves interviewing 8 locals participants using snowballing sampling and a thematic analysis approach that investigate thoroughly the challenges and identifies the needs required by family caregivers in Brunei. The findings of the study discovered that all family caregivers experience psychological issues such as ‘Depression’ and ‘Stress’ and are in need of family support and self-care to reduce challenges they experience such as emotional exhaustion, physical problem, sleep deprivation, financial issues, and accessibility to basic needs in caregiving.
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