Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 22 June 2023
Program Development for Enhancement of Teachers’ Supervisory Competency of Dual Vocational Education System in Educational Institutions under Vocational Education Commission
Yuphawadee Siripeeri, Prayuth Chusorn, Chaiyuth Sirisuth
Northeastern University, Thailand

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Pages: 221-232
Keywords: Teacher Supervisory Competency, Dual Vocational Education System, Program Development
Teachers with good supervision skills can help bridge the gap between academic and practical, ensuring that students will gain the skills and knowledge which they need to succeed in their chosen fields. At the same time, it helps them understand how these skills are applied in real-life settings. Overall, teacher supervision competencies are critical to the success of dual education systems. It ensures that students are educated and have high-quality training and are ready for future careers Therefore, the design of this research and development study on the teacher’s competency components, the needs and program development for enhancement competencies of Teachers’ Supervisory Competency of Dual Vocational Education System in Educational Institutions under Vocational Education Commission. The method of research and development was divided into 4 phases. The tools used were questionnaires, assessment forms, teacher-supervisor competency-building programs, and a semi-structured interview. The statistics used were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows: The competencies of training experience supervisors were categorized as follows: a) Curriculum administration and learning management b) Personal and Professional Development c) Innovation and information technology in education d) Ethics and professional ethics of teachers e) Educational research. These findings imply that the implemented program effectively contributed to the professional development of teachers' supervisors, leading to improved supervisory skills and competencies.
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