Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 March 2022
Problems that Classroom Teachers Encounter in the Education Process of Syrian Migrant Students in Turkey
Cemil Gür, Veysal Dumancı, Hikmet Gümüştaş, Sibel Toprak, Ali Ateş
Ministry of National Education, Turkey

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Pages: 407-421
Keywords: Basic Education, Classroom Teacher, Syrian Children, Immigration, Immigrant
With this research, it is aimed to determine the problems faced by classroom teachers who have Syrian immigrant students in their classrooms in Turkey. The research was designed as a single case study, one of the qualitative research methods. Criterion sampling method, one of the purposive sampling methods, was used. The participants of the research are 10 classroom teachers. The data of the research were collected through semi-structured interviews. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis method. According to the findings, the most basic problem in the education process of primary school teachers with immigrant children in their class is the language problem. The language problem creates communication problems with immigrant children and their parents. While some of the teachers who have immigrant children in their class see this as an advantage, some see it as a disadvantage due to the problems they experience. Teachers offered solutions for children, parents and teachers to cope with the problem situations they experienced in their classrooms.
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