Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 22 April 2022
Primary School Teachers’ Educational Thoughts
Orhan Kumral
Pamukkale University, Turkey

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Pages: 144-152
Keywords: Philosophy of Education, Education Science, Primary School Teacher, Traditional Thought
Every science exists on a philosophical basis / thought and becomes functional. As in all sciences, philosophy forms a necessary basis for the educational science. The need for philosophy, emanated from the need to make learning environments meaningful, as well as to find answers to the questions of why and how education should be done. The basic purpose of this research is to investigate educational philosophies of primary school teachers who are still working in a medium-sized province in Turkey within the framework literature. Quantitative survey design was employed in the study. The study group is comprised of 225 primary school teachers working in primary schools within a medium-sized Anatolian city in terms of demographic structure. The “Educational Thoughts and Practices” scale was used to collect the research data. The variance was conducted parametric one-way analysis. One of the significant results of the study is that the primary school teachers participating in the study mainly adopt popular educational thoughts and practices. Given the overall results of the study, it is seen that the scores close to each other in the popular and traditional dimensions. It can thus be implied that teachers are aware of the attractiveness of the creative learning environment ensured by student-centered learning, however, they do not give up on their duties and habits of transferring knowledge.
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