Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 01 June 2021
Predictors of the Level of Knowledge about Sexual Harassment and Assault among College Students: A Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection Analysis
Erol Esen, Yağmur Soylu, Diğdem Müge Siyez
Manisa Celal Bayar University (Turkey), Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)

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Pages: 417-431
Keywords: Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Level of Knowledge, College Students, CHAID
This study aims to determine college students’ levels of knowledge about sexual harassment and assault, and to identify the predictors of this level of knowledge. Participants have been selected using a multi-stage sampling method and consist of 7,302 college students from a state college in Turkey. The age of participants ranged from 17 years to 29 years with a mean age of 21.33 years (SD = 2.04). The Sexual Harassment and Assault Knowledge Test, the Survey of College Students’ Exposure to Sexual Harassment and Assault, and a socio-demographic form were used to obtain data from the sample. The two-steps cluster analysis revealed that 70.2 % of the all participants had moderate level of knowledge about sexual harassment and assault, while 13.6 % had a low level of knowledge and 16.2 % had high level of knowledge. The CHAID analysis indicated that sex was the main predictor of level of knowledge about sexual harassment and assault. Also, exposure to sexual harassment or assault, dating experience, and having gender-equality education were found as other predictor variables. Finally, classification accuracy of the CHAID model was found 79.5 % within the sample.
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