Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2022
Lombok Teachers and Principals Building Resilience in Facing Earthquakes and Covid-19 Pandemic
Sahala Harahap, Diajeng Herika Hermanu, Tanti Sugiharti, Ruslaini
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia

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Pages: 153-163
Keywords: Leadership, Resilience, Earthquakes, Pandemic, North Lombok
Effective leadership is needed when the organization faces difficult situations. When major earthquakes and pandemics successively hit North Lombok, the role of teachers and school principals significantly determined the resilience of the school organization's sustainability. The study aims to understand how elementary teachers and principals in Pemenang district, North Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia built their school resilience in facing consecutive natural disasters; devastating earthquakes Covid-19 pandemic. This study focuses on how school leaders and their teams built the organization's resilience during consecutive disasters in North Lombok. The study used a qualitative phenomenology design. The data collection was conducted using semi-structured interviews, Forum Group Discussion, observations, and documentation. Purposive participants consisted of 17 teachers and two principals from 2 elementary schools. The authors found that teachers' and principals' resilience appears to be built through concrete action that the Education Office and principals facilitate to respond to challenges. It appears that concrete actions, management coordination processes, and choices of actions appropriate to the situation are essential factors in building resilience. It is concluded that efforts to build teachers' and principals'' resilience must align with the existing context and situation while paying attention to various resources at all levels and considering the diversity of perspectives regarding how individuals, organizations, or communities understand and respond to situations and events such as earthquakes and pandemic.
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