Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 04 December 2018
Lived Experiences of Adolescent Boys with Conduct Disorder in Manzini Secondary Schools, Kingdom of Eswatini
Hlatshwako Thuleleni Mary, Davison Makondo, Sithulisiwe Bhebhe
Sydney Williams Primary School, and University of Eswatini, Kingdom of Eswatini

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Adolescent boys with conduct disorder in Manzini secondary schools exhibit undesirable behaviour which disrupts the general moral fibre in the schools and the community in general. The purpose of this study was to explore lived experiences of adolescent boys with conduct disorder in Manzini secondary schools of the Kingdom of ESwatini. This study was qualitative in nature, and it used an interpretive phenomenological research design because the intention was to get an ‘insight' and in-depth information about the phenomenon studied. A group of 20 adolescent boys who were purposively sampled was interviewed and participated in focus group discussions. Thematic content analysis was used to determine some common themes which emerged from the study and these were scrutinised to understand the lived experiences of adolescent boys with conduct disorder in Manzini secondary schools of the Kingdom of ESwatini. It was revealed from the study that adolescent boys with conduct disorder failed to resist negative peer pressure, abused alcohol and other drugs, poorly performed academically and experienced depression, anxiety, and low-self-esteem which led to an array of behaviour problems such as substance abuse, aggression, truancy, and defiant behaviour. It may be concluded from the study that adolescent boys with conduct disorder experience emotional challenges such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem which led to antisocial behaviours. It may be recommended from the study that parent-child communication should be improved; adolescents should be shown love, adolescents should attend motivational speeches, talk shows and should receive professional and spiritual counselling.
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