Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 May 2022
Investigation of Life Skill Levels of University Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Burak Tozoğlu, Bora Okdan, Öner Gülbahçe
Atatürk University (Turkey), Ege University (Turkey), Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University (Turkey)

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Pages: 242-249
Keywords: University Students, Covid 19, Life Skills, Sportive Activity, Low Case, Comma, Paper Template, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction
It was aimed to reveal whether there is a statistically significant relationship between the gender, age, sportive activity status and duration of the students studying at xxx University in the 2020-2021 academic year on their life skills levels. In this study descriptive survey method was used. A personal information form was used to obtain information about the demographic characteristics of 215 students, 71 male and 144 female and “Life Skills Scale” which was developed by Bolat and Balaman (2017) was used to determine the life skills levels, who participated in the study. Independent sample T test was used to determine the significant difference between two independent variables and life skills. Anowa Analysis of Variance techniques were used to determine the difference between more than two variables and life skills. Pearson correlation analysis was made to determine the relationship between Life Skills Scale and ages of students and duration of sports activities . Th results were evaluated according to the p<.05 significance level. It has been determined there is a significant difference in the sub-dimensions of coping with stress and emotions, empathy and self-awareness, decision making and problem solving about students gender and life skills scale according to the data obtained. It has been determined there is a significant difference in all sub-dimensions of the students' sportive activities and life skills scale. It has been determined there is a positive significant relationship in students' weekly sporting activity time and life skills scale on the sub-dimension of decision making and problem solving.
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