Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 13 December 2024
Investigating The Lexical Concept of “War” & “Conflict” Concerning Israel vs Palestine in BBC 2023
Ariani Dwi Puteri, Elvi Citraresmana, Nani Darmayanti
Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
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Pages: 260-272
Keywords: Lexical Concept, Cognitive Linguistic, War, Conflict, Corpus-Based Approach
The article analyzed the lexical concept of war and conflict as a noun in the news coverage of Israel vs Palestine on BBC Channel 2023. The study employed a qualitative methods, utilizing a corpus-based approach. The researchers acquired data from 25 news articles regarding Israel vs Palestine on BBC Channel 2023. The goal of the study was to identify instances of “war” and “conflict” as nouns by examining the differences in lexical concepts associated with each term. The lexical concept is constructed based on the contextual elements that influence it. Moreover, it was found that the frequency of the words "war" and "conflict" as nouns in BBC Channel 2023 varied greatly. The study demonstrated the cognitive linguistic relationship between “war” and “conflict”, revealing the interconnection due to the ongoing a backdrop of the battle that continues to the present day. The two lexical concepts derived from both nouns are event and action.
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