Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 18 February 2022
Implementing Content-Based Instruction (CBI) on EFL Student’s Writing through Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching
Sariani Sariani, Yaningsih Yaningsih, Fazrol Rozi
Politeknik Negeri Padang, Indonesia

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Pages: 174-184
Keywords: Content-Based Instruction, E-brochure Writing, Language Learning Innovation, Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching
Several empirical studies of Content-Based Instruction (CBI) have concluded that this approach has positive impacts in improving language learning skills including writing in foreign language learning environments. However, many of them carried out this approach within the traditional setting; face-to-face interaction instead of the e-learning. This current study is aimed to examine the impact of CBI on EFL learner’s writing through technology-enhanced language teaching. The approach was implemented in students who wrote e-brochure for the final project. It was a qualitative study where the data was obtained from assessing the writing documents using e-brochure scoring rubrics. The rubrics focused on functional adequacy containing of five dimensions: (1) organization of information, (2) content-accuracy and information validity, (3) spelling and mechanics, (4) attractiveness and organization, and (5) graphics/ pictures. Semi-structured interview was taken as the supporting data. The findings showed that CBI was beneficial on the EFL’s writing in advancing the writing skill, increasing the creativity in designing the brochure, and enhancing the interaction with the lecturer through the use of technology. For further research, teachers are invited to engage the students with specific CBI activities in diversified contexts.
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