Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 03 September 2021
Forgivingness among Meranao Students in Southern Philippines
Saliha A. Sarip, Wardah D. Guimba, Cherrilyn N. Mojica
MSU Marawi City, Philippines

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Pages: 368-376
Keywords: Forgivingness, Transgression, Transgression Narrative Test of Forgivingness, Meranao
People have the tendencies to be involved or engaged in transgression. While some may be forgiving and move forward, others hold grudges, resentment, or feel remorse. In the context of social, behavioral science, this is worth investigating. Thus, this study aimed at analyzing the indicatives of forgivingness in a transgression-related act and if these are associated with Gender and age. The main instrument used is the Transgression Narrative Test of Forgivingness (TNTF) which is a tool to measure forgivingness of the Meranao living in Lanao del Sur, Philippines. The respondents were the 150 Meranao Students (senior high and college students). This study employed a quantitative design that described, compared and correlated variables. Findings indicated that Meranao students are most forgiving towards scenarios in which a transgressor causes a friend to fail in the submission of a job application and least forgiving towards a scenario where a transgressor causes one of the family members to die. Meranaos’ age range from 15 to 25 shows no difference in forgivingness between men and women. Results showed a very weak association in age groups. Future researchers may use other situational scales and tools to identify further results and use comprehensive age groups (young, middle-age, and old adult) examining respondents’ forgivingness and its significant differences.
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