Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 September 2021
Forgiveness and Perceived Social Support in Teenagers
Ümit Bayın, Mehmet Kaya
Düzce University (Turkey), Sakarya University (Turkey)

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Pages: 588-605
Keywords: Puberty, Forgiveness, Perceived Social Support, High School Students
In this research, the aim is to investigate the relationship between forgiveness and perceived social support in teenagers in terms of various variables (gender, high school type, education level of parents, expressed relative communication and expressed family, friends, teacher support). The population of the research consists of high school students studying in Kocaeli province in 2019-2020 education year and the research sample consists of 422 students who are chosen with appropriate sampling method from four different high school types in Kocaeli. The data was gathered with “Personal Information Form”, “Forgiveness Scale for Teenagers” and “Perceived Social Support Scale”. Also, in order to analyse the data, pearson product-moment correlation coefficient technique, regression analysis, one-way analysis of variance, T-test were used (p<.05). According to the findings obtained from the research, it was found that there is a significant relation in a positive way between teenagers’ forgiveness tendency and perceived social support points. In addition, it was determined that there is a significant and positive relation between perceived social support and empathy establishment aspect of forgiveness and again, between perceived social support and forgiveness tendency. The obtained findings were discussed and interpreted by dealing with the research’s hypothesis frame and the related researches. In addition, the research findings and suggestions for the next researches were given place in this research.
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