Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 20 September 2021
Experiences and Challenges of Distance Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic From Educators’ Point of View: A Review
Lia Faridah, Savira Ekawardhani, Hesti Lina Wiraswati, Nisa Fauziah, Jenifer Kiem Aviani, Robyansyah, D Beta Ramadan
Padjadjaran University Teaching Hospital, Indonesia

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Pages: 468-483
Keywords: Distance Learning, Covid-19, Educations
COVID-19 pandemic has affected many sectors of life including education. Many countries had implemented the policy on distance learning. Distance education denotes the physical separation of the learner from the instructor, both by time and space. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) including online media are used to bridge the educators and the learners. The distance learning system forced the teacher to shift the traditional teaching method of face-to-face teaching to no-physical contact teaching in all stages of educations such as primary and secondary education, higher and vocational education, and special education. We found that teachers have been applied different strategies based on the unique challenges they faced. According to the COVID-19 situation, teachers from all stages of education have gathered all the solutions that could be applied. So that, it could help students to adapt to distance learning by transforming the traditional learning system to mandate distance learning system like nowadays when COVID-19 positive case could be controlled by contactless only.
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