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Published: 07 March 2022

Examining the Relationships among Internet Addiction Procrastination Social Support and Anxiety Sensitivity

Müge Küçükal, Ümit Sahranç

Sakarya University, Turkey

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Pages: 320-334

Keywords: Anxiety Sensitivity, Internet Addiction, Procrastination, Perceived Social Support


In this study, it was aimed to examine the relationships between individuals' levels of internet addiction, procrastination, perceived social support and anxiety sensitivity levels. The study group consisted of 358 participants (278 women 80 men). The data were collected using Demographic Information Form, Young Internet Addiction Test Short Form, Procrastination Tendency Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3. Correlational analysis was used to determine the relations among variables. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine whether the independent variables predicted internet addiction. Procrastination (β= .38), social support (β= -.11), and anxiety sensitivity (β= .33) predicted internet addiction at a statistically significant level. It can be inferred considering this finding that, the regression model which involves procrastination, social support, and anxiety sensitivity predicts 31% of internet addiction. Individuals who are lonely have higher levels of internet addiction than those who have a statistically significant relationship, and their perceived social support levels are lower than those who have a statistically significant relationship. Based on the findings some suggestions were made.


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