Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 August 2021
Examining Entrepreneurship Characteristics and Reflective Thinking Levels of Pre -Service Teachers at Physical Education and Sports School
Sadık Adatepe, Murat Kul, Eda Adatepe
Masat Dede Korkut Elementary School (Turkey), Bayburt University (Turkey)

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Pages: 342-355
Keywords: Pre-Service Teachers, Entrepreneurship, Reflective Thinking
This study examines the relationship between the pre-service teachers' entrepreneurship skills and their reflective thinking levels. The sample of the study is 240 pre-service teachers studying at Bartın University Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department. Semerci (2007), “Reflective Thinking Tendency Scale” and Yılmaz & Sünbül (2009), “Entrepreneurship Scale for University Students” are used as data collection instruments. The data collected for the research were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 program. Reflective thinking levels and entrepreneurship characteristics of the pre-service teachers are examined based on gender, grade, entrepreneurship course and work experience variables. As a result, It is seen that female pre-service teachers' more reflective than male pre-service teachers and the entrepreneurship characteristics of the pre-service teachers in the study are found as "high." Moreover, in the work experience variable, there is a significant difference between the groups. A correlation analysis, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurship and all reflective thinking sub-scales, too. Based on the study's findings, it is possible to say that pre-service teachers with high entrepreneurship characteristics have high reflective thinking levels.
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