Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
Examining Algebraic Habits of the Mind through a Problem Solving: Elementary School Example
Bilge Yilmaz Aslan, Begüm Özmusul
Gaziantep University, Turkey

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Pages: 542-556
Keywords: Algebraic Thinking, Algebraic Habits of Mind, Elementary Students, Problem Solving
In this study, it is aimed to determine the algebraic thinking habits of two eighth grade school students through the answers they gave in the process of solving mathematical problems. The algebraic habits of mind (ZCA) theoretical framework developed by Driscoll (1999) was used to reveal these thinking habits. The research design of this study is a case study and the participants consist of two eighth grade students. The data were analyzed using Driscoll (1999)'s ZCA framework, which is algebraic habits of mind. Descriptive analysis was used in the analysis of the data. When we look at the findings obtained from the research; It is seen that both students can do describing a rule and justifying a rule in the solutions of the problems. In addition, it is seen that computational shortcuts, equivalent expressions and symbolic expressions come to the fore in the solutions of students' problems. On the other hand, the habit of undoing in solving problems was not encountered very rarely in both students. In the light of the findings obtained, the reasons for the existing and non-existent algebraic habits of mind are discussed. As a result of this discussion, it is thought that it is effective to include guide questions to create and develop algebraic thinking habits in students in classroom teaching practices of teachers.
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