Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 06 August 2021
Examination of Patience Tendency Levels of University Students: An Intercultural Comparison
Yavuz Ercan Gul
Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

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Pages: 200-210
Keywords: Patience, University Students, Comparison, Culture
In this research, it was aimed to interculturally research the value of patience with the data obtained from the students who participated in the study from two different countries. The research was designed as a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. Accordingly, the Traditional Screening Technique based on quantitative data and the Phenomenological Technique based on qualitative data were used together in the research. In this study, the patience levels of university students were generally calculated high. The patience levels of Turkish students were discovered to be lower than those of Kyrgyz students. According to the results of the interviews, there are differences in Turkish and Kyrgyz students' understanding of patience. It is seen that Turkish students attribute the value of patience to religion, believing that patience is transferred to Turks from religion, while Kyrgyz students associate patience with their cultural traditions. It is thought that this study will contribute to values and character education, especially to the literature on patience. The relationship and differences between the patience levels of university students and different variables and their effects on each other can be researched. Programs can be developed to increase the patience levels of university students.
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