Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 March 2022
Examination of Information and Communication Technologies Competencies of Teacher Candidates Studying at the Faculty of Sport Sciences
Mehmet Ali Ceyhan
Bayburt University Faculty of Sports, Turkey

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Pages: 506-515
Keywords: Teacher Candidate, Information and Communication Technology, Competence, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Humanoid
The aim of this study is to examine, in terms of some variables, the "Information and Communication Technology Competencies" regarding physical education teacher candidates studying in the Faculties of Sport Sciences, and to identify the problems for adapting themselves to the developing technologies and to present solutions in this age where information and communication technologies are changing rapidly, epigenetics, robots, cyborgs, nano technologies, metaverse, and virtual reality platforms are mentioned. A total of 432 male (n=206) and female (n=226) teacher candidates aged 12-18 participated in the research voluntarily. To collect data in the research, the “Information and Communication Technology Competencies Scale” which is adapted into Turkish by Gökçearslan et al. (2019) was used. Descriptive statistics were made for demographic variables in the analysis of the research data. The data acquired from the scale were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 program. When the scale scores were examined, there was no significant difference between male and female students in the dimension of using information and communication technologies for instructional design (p>0.05) in accordance with the gender variable of physical education teachers, whereas a difference was found in favor of girls (X=3.34) in the dimension of information and communication technology competency (p<0.05). Significant differences were detected between the sub-dimensions of the scale according to the teacher candidates' grades and the departments they studied (p<0.05). A difference in the information and communication technologies competency dimension was found in favor of the senior year Physical Education Teaching candidates. A significant difference was found in favor of those who have a personal computer (x=3.41) in accordance with the variable of owning a personal computer in the dimension of self-efficacy to use communication technologies for instructional design (x=3.46) and Information and Communication competencies. In line with that, it can be said that the variables of having a personal computer and gender of sports teacher candidates‘ are factors that affect ICT competencies, and the variable of having a personal computer is a factor that affects the self-efficacy of using Information technologies for instructional design.
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